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Data quality and completeness for products (PIM, PLM)

By 18 April 2016April 13th, 2021No Comments

According to a study done by the AT&T research laboratory, poor quality data costs US businesses $ 600 billion annually. Beyond the quality of the data, it is important to know when a product can be distributed to certain recipients. Indeed, a product may be distributable to the client but not be ready for the start of production or publication on the website because it lacks some information. To answer this problem, beCPG enhanced its software with catalog management functionality. This management allows to evaluate data quality and completeness for products by linking catalogs to products that defines mandatory properties, for example, the client catalog will require:

  • Trade name,
  • Logistic codes for product, box, pallet
  • Storage conditions, precaution of use
  • etc…
Catalogs for “Factory” and website will have additional information to complete.

With these catalogs, it is possible to manage the conformity of the data entered. Some alerts are raised when some properties are missing. This results in reducing the number of returns due to errors in the data, thus saving valuable time.

In addition, we also added a concept of advancement for a product. This concept translates visually that a product is more or less completed. It is accompanied by instructions to quickly visualize the missing points.

With this new module, beCPG provides assurance of the quality and completeness of your product data.

You can say goodbye to incomplete or incorrect product sheets !

This module completes the offer of beCPG already rich in PIM features (Product Information Management):

  • Import and export data (Excel, CSV, XML, …)
  • Oganisation and classification of product information
  • Edition and translation of product metadata
  • ERP and GS1 connectors
